Sunday, December 26, 2010

Production Underway!!

Christmas in now over and game production has officially begun! XercesTechnologies will be partnering with me on the project and it is currently projected to be completed by mid to late February. In the meantime, I am currently working on coordinating an audio engineer for the music and sound effects. Things are progessing rather quickly in that regard as well though.

Last week, I was busy with creating sample screens for the game and also coming up with some final details for the specific game schematics, such as how the instructions will be presented and how achievements will work, but this are in good shape and in the hands of the production company now.

I am very excited about this project and can't wait to see the development kick into high gear and for production stills to start coming out. Three cheers for the blessing of new business ventures and also for New Year's! Hope you all have a great one!!

Joel C